Saturday, November 10, 2012


Since Jaymee was about 1.5 years old she has wanted to go to school. Every time we saw a bus drive by our house or she heard of her cousins going to school she has wanted to do the same. I kept telling her she needed to wait until she was about three and that she also needed to be potty trained. You need to be a big girl to go to school.

My neighbor Katrina and I were talking in March of this year about preschools in the area. I had looked a little but wasn't sure we could afford it and didn't have much time to look. I waited a little too late and when I got the list from my friend about where to call most of them were already full. I called Forever Young on the referral from one of the preschools on our street. I was so excited that she said she was open. And the only ones open were that for M-W-F 8:45-10:45 or in the afternoons. Mornings worked the best for us and I really wanted Jaymee to go as much as she could so I was happy with the M-W-F schedule.

I signed Jaymee up in July and she was so excited. Her teacher, Mrs. Young, was so nice and I had heard so many good things about her. A few of my neighbors' kids had gone there and loved it. I felt really good about the decision. About a week before she was to start we found out two of the girls in our neighborhood would be in Jaymee's class. I was so excited she would know someone. The class consists of 12 kids that are 3-4 years old. Mrs. Young operates out of her home in their basement.

The first day of school was about 15 minutes long. Parents were encouraged to go and meet the teacher, see the classroom, meet other kids and their parents. We had a great time and as I suspected Jaymee cried in the car ride home because she didn't want to go home.

Jaymee has been going to school for over two months now. She has learned her colors and shapes. She has had a music program already for Halloween. As soon as we get those up on YouTube we'll post the link. She loves her teacher and going to school. I can already see such a big difference in her. She is the youngest in her class but her teacher is really impressed with her. I am so proud of her. For the next few months they will be focused on the alphabet and writing.

I want to take a moment and thank my mom for instilling the discovery of learning in me at a young age. I hope I can continue the same with my girls. Learning knows no age.

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