So, you are probably thinking to yourself what does NaNoWriMo mean? I know it sounds like something Mork from Ork would say. :o)
I am in a writing group and there are 5 of us total. We all decided to take up the NaNoWriMo challenge this month. Essentially you are writing so many words a day until the end of the month when you have a novel. It can be craptastic, etc. It's a great exercise to get the juices flowing for creativity and eventually writing that masterpiece novel that publisher's will just eat up.
I was going to write something involving my fairies but I decided to do some drama. Divorce, death, marriage, kids, etc. A full range for crying. My goal is to make you cry.
If you are interested in checking this out go to:
Good luck to my fellow writing group buddies. May you prosper this month!
I didn't know you were writing a novel - awesome! I couldn't get the link to work, is it just me? what did I do wrong...can't wait to take a sneek peek!
That is such a cool idea. And I thought that making random unrelated blog posts for a whole month was a challenge. I'd love to read your novel in progress, but I couldn't find yours specifically from that link.
I didn't post mine. It's just the site that you can go to for registering to take the challenge and get to know others around the world who are also doing it.
Every kid is different, but my students respond well with piano bucks. I give them a buck for each song passed off and if they practice a certain amount of time each week. At the end of the month they can spend their piano bucks on things I put in my bucket. You know like dollar toys or even a dollar. The prices of my toys are high enough that it takes them about 2 months to earn them.
If the child is 5 or 6 they are not self motivated. A parent really needs to set a specific time a day to practice so it is routine. Just as much of a routine as reading 20 min. a day for school.
Does any of that help?
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