Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Grow is finally here!

After 25 1/2 hours from start to finish, Jaymee Grow was born on September 2, 2009 at 10:41pm. She weighed 6lbs 12oz and was 19 2.5in long. We are so excited to have her with us and we love each new day with her. Of course we are still adjusting to feedings, etc. but we could not have asked for a more mellow baby. She sleeps through the night and doesn't really cry unless hungry. She loves to be sung to at night and cuddled. She loves sleeping on mom and dad's chest. She loves having her daddy whistle to her and loves being held in his strong arms. She is already turning on her right side when we put her down on the floor to change her diapers. She has a strong grip and loves to sleep with her hands by her face. She is even holding up her head already too.

We love Jaymee and thank Heavenly Father for the opportunity we have to be her parents. We are going to need His help even more now. Welcome to our family Jaymee!


Denette said...

I loved letting the tiny ones sleep on my chest. I loved taking naps that way. I loved when their head and neck got stronger and they could look up at me in that position.

She is a cutie!!

Tara said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! Enjoy every single minute! You are being spoiled it she sleeps that well!!! Take advantage of it!

susie said...

I'm so glad she's here! She is a doll.