Monday, October 18, 2010

First Birthday!

I know it's been awhile since I posted last. I used to be better at blogging but now I do more on FB. But I hope to get back to more blogging.

Jaymee Grow turned 1 on September 2nd of this year. We celebrated her birthday on the 11th at the Bowery of our ward house. We had family and friends come to help us celebrate. Jaymee had a great time walking all over in her walker. We thought that would be the easiest way to keep track of her. Papa Jimmy and Nana Callor came up from Helper just for the birthday and then had to go back and work on remodeling/fixing their rental.

Jaymee loves dogs and animals too. She got two stuff dogs, a cat and a turtle. She got a little stroller for her baby and she loves walking it back and forth in our living room. I know she is on the verge of walking any time. When she decides she will of course. She loves her toys that play music and now she has some to play with in the tub. She graduated from her small tub to the big tub. I think she likes more room to splash around.

She got clothes and books and hugs an kisses from family. She had a great day. I posted some highlights from the party below. I made her a banana cake and it turned out really well. We had a fairy theme going on so lots of different treats to eat.

We love having Jaymee in our family. She is such a sweet girl. She loves to be around people and loves kids of all ages. She is constantly laughing or smiling. People always comment first that she is a happy baby. She loves to watch Little Einsteins and Miss Spider of TV. She loves to read and sing songs. She loves her toys. She loves her daddy. She loves to give hugs and kisses.

She loves making messes when she eats. She is determined to always be climbing the stairs if allowed those moments of freedom. I am so grateful to be her mother. I hope we always have a great relationship with one another. Love you JAMS!


Melissa said...

Super cute cake! Happy birthday, Jaymee. She is so stinking cute.

Heather said...

I know I'm more than a little bit late, but Happy Birthday, Jaymee!! Looks like you guys had fun. :)