Thursday, January 17, 2013

R.K. Grow- Author in the Making

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a published author. I started writing stories down when I was in third grade. I still have some of those early ones at my dad's house in boxes. I've also been an avid reader since I was little too. My dad always used to get after me because I would even read in the dark and he'd have to turn the lights on for me. I'd read anywhere I was comfortable. My love of books and writing hasn't changed over the years.

One of my goals for this year was to take time out for myself. I made several goals to help me with my writing. Here are some of those goals: 
  • Read three books a month. I have already passed this one off for January. I am on my fourth book already and the month is half over. It feels so nice to read again. Having kids can get in the way of taking time to read. 
  • Attend two writing conferences this year. I have already signed up to go to my first mini-conference the end of this month here in Orem, UT. I am very excited to go. I've also already registered for one in May. 
  • Finish Letters to Ellie. I am getting close.

I don't ever remember being able to make my New Year's goals this fast. In the past I never quite got around to making all of them. I feel like there is a change in the air and it's my turn now. At least I hope it's my turn. I know it's a long road but I am determined to see it through.

I am working on finishing my book called Letters to Ellie. Once I am done I need to have it critiqued with some beta readers and then sent off for a final edit once I make changes. Then after that I will start to query agents and publishers. I'd really like to get a publisher for this one and not self-publish but I guess I will see what happens. If you want to be one of those beta readers let me know. Here is a link to a blog post about Letters to Ellie.

Come and follow my journey as I try to become an author by following my writing blog I'll share interviews with authors I like, review books I enjoy and movies I love to watch. I'll share my thoughts and ideas as I write and go through this process. Right now there are about 6 posts on my adventures to Middle-earth. I appreciate your support! And if you have any ideas of posts you'd like to see on my writing blog just send me some suggestions at rebekahgrow(at)gmail(dot)com.


Tara said...

I would LOVE to be a reader!!!

Grow Family said...

Thanks Tara! I hope to be ready by March to send it out for reading or sooner.